Tuesday 30 November 2010

Words can't describe..

No seriously, words just can't describe how happy I am right now. Just found out that our exam thats meant to be tomorrow morning has been cancelled and is getting rescheduled! I was so worried about it. Thank god. This also means I can get the hell on with the rest of my work tonight and have a day off with Tom tomorrow when he comes up. He was meant to be heading up as a 'awww, you've just had a horrible java exam, have a hug' kinda thing but now I just get to see him anyway. I'm sure you can actually tell how happy I am. Ahhh! :)

Anyway, this week as always has been jammed full of work. I kid, I kid. It's totally not been. I was really lazy last week and did absolutely no uni work and didn't care one bit about it until like Saturday. Was a nice wee break. But after that, I thought I was pretty screwed for this final exam because I was strruggling taking any information in. Instead of trying harder to revise, I did some work I'd find more interesting and cared more about. Terrible huh? But I'm getting on quite well with the Flash animation I've been making and had a little tutorial session today and my tutor was really chuffed with what I had so far and said I had already got a high pass and I've not even finished yet.

So the main reason why the exams been cancelled tomorrow is thanks to the lovely lovely snowy weather we've had. Thanks to it we had a snow day yesterday. Although, saying that, yesterday I thought I had an exam tomorrow so I was freaking out. Never thought I'd ever find myself disappointed to have a snow day.  Things have certainly changed. Regardless of disappointment we still managed to have some damn good fun! 

You guys might recognise Cassie, my flatmate. She's the one who got me into this whole blogging thing. I'm happy she did. Check her blog out if you haven't. There might be a bit of photo repetition though, we do do a lot of stuff together! 

Other than snow fun, I've not been doing much this week. I tell you one thing though, I've absolutely fallen in love with this song..

It's been used in the new John Lewis Christmas advert. I usually love their christmas adds but this year I was a bit disappointed, but it's definitely growing on me. I'm definitely a very loyal ex John Lewis worker, it's pathetic. But I love that bloody shop!

Now I've got my Student loan for the month, my aim is to get my christmas shopping done soon. One thing I need to do is find out about curlers. My mum's been wanting some for ages and I've got straighteners and curly hair so don't know a thing about curlers.. Anyone know about any that are about £30 and are perfect for fine hair?

Cass just came through to my room and showed me these guys, they are hilarious. Check them out.

SPAM day.

Over and out.


  1. It's always such fantasticly relieving news to hear that your test has been canceled, haha! So yay! Thank goodness for the awesome snow, and all of your super fun snow-related acitivities. :D Yes, I did see some of the pictures on your flatmate's blog, but I don't mind! It's actually cool to see how your lives are overlapping and all.

  2. yay for the snow! so many of my lectures have been cancelled because of it :) x
