Friday 19 November 2010

Awesome stuff.

So today we had a lecture about visual communication and how posters and advertising puts forward different stories and meanings to different people. The whole lecture was pretty interesting and was mainly focussing on old advertising, mainly stuff used like a hundred years ago to get people to enroll in the army for war but he side tracked a bit and looked at different styles too and the whole subject really reminded me of an article I read a couple of months back and I re-looked it up and theres loads more information about it than there was a few months back.

The article I'm talking about is one about builders working in a London tube station, Notting Hill Gate station to be exact, who were working on modernising the station and stumbled across on a blocked off lift passageway which was full of vintage posters from the late 1950's. The passageway was closed off around 1959 and had been essentially forgotten about until this year. The discovery found loads of intact posters posters for various things, including a couple for old films like 'Around the World in 80 Days' and 'The Horse's Mouth', and even one for the 'Ideal Home Exhibition' which ran from 1908 all the way up to 2009, and I actually got to go to one of the last exhibitions in Glasgow, it was great fun. Theres also one that advertises 'Persodent toothpaste' too, it's ace, probably my favourite one, it's so colourful.

Obviously as no one has access to the posters I couldn't have taken these photo so the credit for any photos goes to Mikey Ashworth and London Underground, found on his Flickr where you can find the rest of the photos. Although, saying that, I really wish I could see them in person as I bet they are amazing.

Here is a link to the original article I read back in June.

Pretty cool huh?

Over and out.


  1. Whoa, that is really cool indeed! It must have been such a neat discovery to find the blocked off passageway filled with those posters. It's kinda interesting to see how advertising has changed over the years and all.

  2. Wow, amazing! I absolutely love all the hidden stations and stuff in London. It must have been so exciting coming across a blocked off tunnel like, untouched for so long.. there used to be tours you could go on of disused stations, but I never got around to going on one =( Anyway, cute blog! =] xx
