Saturday 25 September 2010


I've recently move back into halls with a group of my mates from uni for second year. Having settled in and got everything sorted we decided to get a pet.. (we aren't really allowed pets so it had to be discreet) So we got a goldfish. Just back from the pet shop just now, waiting to set it up in it's new pad! I'm pathetically excited. I've never owned a fish before. I mean, had loads other pets but no fish. We've yet to name him, (we don't know if it's male or female so we decided on it being a boy!) need to wait till Cassie gets back to decide on names. We're gonna get another one next week so it can have some company in the bowl. 

Check him out!

1 comment:

  1. i just helped my sister move in to her uni halls today for her first year!
    that goldfish is rather cute :3

    Vintage Stop at
