Do any of you guys feel like time speeds up at this time of year? I mean It's suddenly April tomorrow! I am officially half way though my degree and only have a presentation and an exam to get past till it's summer. It's getting a bit ridiculous.
Not that I'm complaining. I'm stoked to be heading home to see Tom for basically a solid 5 months! Summer is fantastic in Edinburgh too. Worth checking out if you've never visited. But 5 months off uni means, 5 months working. I do love earning money for myself and being free to go out and drink with mates and having only a small restriction of having a shift at work. But the unfortunate thing is I don't think I'm getting my old job at the pub with Tom back as my bloody brother took my job! Nightmare.
Good news though, I heard back from a guy I've known for a while who mentioned he needed some design work done at his company over the summer. He's asked me to pull together any work I've done at uni since coming and show him what experience I have with similar projects. If it all works out, I will be designing an interface for an app his company is developing. I'm well excited at the prospect of getting real world experience and it'll maybe boost my confidence in my work and creativity. It sounds ridiculous that a design student doesn't think she is creative doesn't it? Well I am ridiculous because that's what I think, but if I get this placement I'll hopefully prove myself wrong!
Other than that, nothing exciting has happened this week. I've been blogging like a mad man on my uni blog and tweeting a load about the Aphasia one to try and raise awareness. It's working as the site views have gone up considerably. Can't say that about my uni one, but it's not one of those things that need to be seen. I'll be uploading my folio work on their if anyones curious. Not till the weekend though.
One lovely thing that did happen was that, I received a random bunch of flowers. It turned out it was from Tom's boss congratulating us on our engagement. They're beautiful.
Over and out.
4 years ago
Time does feel like it's speeding by, but still not fast enough! I WANT IT TO BE SUMMER TOMORROW, GOSH DARN IT. But yeah, I'm going to be working at my summer job a lot too, sorta unfortunately... But it's still better than school, haha. It would be really great for you to get a "real world" experience like you said though! Good luck! And awww, the flowers are cute. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's officially the holidays for me now! (Minus this whole needing to do an exam thing though!) First things first, I'm gonna lie in as soon as I get back home and eat home cooked food. Cant wait!
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