My month in photos.
Tom and I finally got to celebrate together.
I'm fixing my iPod. It's on charge,
won't find out till tomorrow if it worked!
Hope everyone enjoyed pancake day wherever they are. I certainly did, thanks to Cassie and her culinary expertise. God, pancakes and bacon and phenomenal!
Other than eating pancakes nothing exciting happened till Tom came, his visit this last few days have been amazing. I don't remember the last time he stayed for more than 15 hours. It was so relaxed. I made some beautiful tuscan sausage stew and we went to see True Grit which was amazing. We also went out for lunch at Ketchup and hung at the union while the elections were being announced for some moral support for people. It was lovely!
Hopefully all the bad chat with my mum will blow over and I'll be in a better mood the next time I blog!
Over and out.
Lovely photos!
The nail polish is super sparkly and pretty, haha. :D I hope you iPod issues have been worked out! I guess your Pancake Day is what we celebrate as Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday in the United States. I so wish we had a day devoted to eating pancakes though, cause I love them. Sounds like some quality time spent with Tom, and I hope your mood does improve. :)