Sunday, 18 September 2011

Back on it

It's that time of year, school, university, college; whatever it is, it's all starting. It's all go. Our classes always start a week earlier than everyone. At the time it's a bit of a nuisance, other uni's have their freshers weeks and parties when we've got classes. But it's amazing at the end of the year, we finish so much earlier than everyone. 

Having had a Summer of working full time, I was pretty knackered so allowed myself to have 2 weeks off for freshers week and settling into the flat. It's been amazing. 

I took my mum for tea and cakes at Eteaket after having a lovely day together
getting facials. Tom and I discovered that his old local, Carters, have recently 
invested in an old school space invaders game table! It's great.

Having had a chance to settle in it's been great being back in Dundee. As you can see from the post below, I took part in that Brewdog cooking competition. It turned out that I came first and won a case of the beer I cooked with. Some of the ideas people had were amazing! You can check them out here

Tom and I took his Gran to Dunoon on the ferry, it was lovely. We also
popped to the newly refurbished museum in Edinburgh. It's amazing!

It's been amazing being back in the house to see everyone, especially Cassie. I don't think I realised how much I miss her company over Summer! 

Today, I'm meant to be researching stuff for one of my modules. You'd think after a whole Summer away from uni I would be okay with getting back into it but I'm struggling! Also, it's quite hard to figure out where to start with this research. Anyone been to any interesting exhibitions recently? We've to look into interactive exhibits.. 

Hope alls well! 
Over and out!

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