It may be valentines, I may be in a relationship, but I've not seen any sign of my boyfriend. Not even spoke to him on Facetime. Gutter. Hopefully get a good wee facetime date in the next hour or so when he's back from his open mic night. Also gutted he's only just got back into this whole playing at open mic nights when I head back to uni, I love watching him play guitar for people. He gets this lovely boost of confidence when he's played.
So today was a rather successful day nonetheless. We had our film hand in for one of our modules. I think I have briefly mentioned what the project was but if I haven't, the film was the first part of our semesters project. It was a research video focussing on how people use sketchbooks and what they think of digital sketching tools. This is then going to go from our research to our second half of our project which will involve designing a sketching app for an iPad. Should be fun. So check out my video here if your interested, if not, don't wast 9 mins of your life! (it's actually quite good if I do say so myself... which is unusual)
After uni, I headed round to my mate Clare's house to have a wee swatch at her clothes to steal some stuff for Paris to save me buying new stuff. It was great fun. I've been feeling a bit bleh about myself recently and this really cheered me up. So I look a wee holdall away full of clothes and a beautiful bag which I'm most definitely taking. As soon as I got home and had some dinner I got onto trying on. I was hoping I could get an opinion on some of them. I'll only post one of each outfit as I don't want to seem like I'm going to properly start outfit posts.. I'm not! Basically I'm trying to keep the baggage down, so I'm going for the whole one handbag, one belt, one pair or shoes and a 4 outfits, one each day..
So aye, what do you think? Most of the stuff are Clare's, which I really appreciate if you're reading this! Do you think I'll freeze if I wear this? I heard it's going to be absolutely freezing so I'm counting on hats, gloves and scarfs..
Happy Valentines Everyone! Especially all you LDRer's! (long distance relationship - ers)
Over and out.
4 years ago
Awww, I'm sorry to hear that you couldn't be with your boyfriend on Valentine's Day... ): I sincerely am very impressed with anyone in long distance relationships. Trying on a bunch of clothes is a good way to cheer yourself up a bit though, hehe. :) I really like the first and last dresses a lot, and the bag certainly goes great with everything!