I need one of these in my life!
Right, back to it. After my last post, Tom and I went to Spain to have a weeks holiday. It was the most relaxing thing we've ever done. We were staying at my flatmate, Cassie's Gran's flat in Gran Alacant. It was beautiful and we were on our own so free to go see whatever we want, sleep when we want and eat when we want. Amazing. We spent the week driving about, reading and relaxing in the sun. It was beautiful. We came home and realised that we hadn't talked to anyone except when ordering food, which, might I add, I was terrible at. I know absolutely nothing in Spanish, neither does Tom. But regardless, it was amazing.
I've been a busy bee recently. My job is at full swing and I'm loving it! Although, it's really taking it out of me. I've been so knackered recently. But it's funding my lifestyle pretty well! I also got the good news yesterday, that not only do they want to keep me on during term time at uni working long distance around uni, they want me to come back next summer and the summer after that. He offered me the job for after I graduate. It's so exciting. It means I'm going to be getting so much experience and I'm already working towards a definite graduate job! I'm so happy. So for the last 2 years of uni, I'm going to be working here. No more scrimping and saving with having no job. I can officially work and have nights out. Also, I finally got my engagement ring resized, in fact, it had to be completely overhauled. It's now as good as new and I don't need to worry about it every time I wash my hands!

The other night a bunch of us went to an amazing Indian restaurant in Edinburgh called Kismot. We went with the whole intention of making my brother and our mate do the world renowned challenge of the Kismot Killer! It's the hottest curry in Scotland and only 2 people have managed this one. They've upped their game since last year and they've made it even spicier! Anyway, Andy and Dave went to battle and are still suffering as a result. It was so hot that Andy's eyes were uncontrollably streaming and he spewed after it. Yum. Anyway, neither finished but Andy beat Dave which was what most of us were betting on.
It's so extremo that they had to sign
this before eating.
(Click it, read it through..
It's rough)
Hope you're all well, sorry for the extremely huge post.
Over and out.