2010 was a great year for me and I thought I'd share it through the of photos I've taken.
I got my nose pierced, against my parents will! Ha.
I turned 20 and got the best birthday card
ever from Cassie. Love it.
Our course had a 'tachebash! It was an amazing
night. Winner.
We took some 'conceptual' photos for Finlay's
birthday. Silly personal jokes all in one photo!
Tom and I went down to London to go to his
cousins wedding. It was beautiful. They had old red
buses to take the guests from the ceremony to
the reception. They took us a wee tour round the
city too, it was great.
We managed to bag some tickets to the free Rage
Against the Machine 'Thank you gig' in London.
It was absolutely epic. Not only did we get to see
Rage, but Tom and I travelled down in style, our
mate drove us down in his old school VW camper.
A group of us ventured down to the Wickerman
festival. It was epic. Not only was it a great festival
but a bunch of our mates were playing. Was so cool.
It was the Edinburgh festival. I didn't manage to see
a lot of it during the day as I spent my days serving
tourists and getting shouted at by angry people. But when
I ventured out the pub, it was fab. Saw so many amazing
comedians, even got to meet Jim Jeffries! We also
got to go to The Edinburgh Dungeons for the first time.
To make it all better one of my best friends was one
of the actors and he pulled Tom up and tortured him!
We moved into the new flat. Along with the
excitement of the new flat, it was also freshers
week. Oh the debauchery. This was only part of
our recycling pile! My dad also had a bit of a midlife
crisis and bought a canoe.
We had a fun filled Halloween.
It was a work filled month thanks to our final hand
ins and exam but I still managed to enjoy the
amazing snow. Luckily it kinda kept us in the house
so made me do work.
Well, December was one of the best months
of my year. It's been amazing. We had an early
Christmas dinner at the flat which went great. I
was in Edinburgh for the majority of the month too
so I've seen Tom so much. I've loved it.
Bye 2010, you were a good year. Bring on 2011!
Over and out.