So this weeks been a pretty bog standard week as always. One thing I do know - it's nearly Christmas! It's snuck up on me this year but the thing that broke it to me this year was seeing the Christmas Coca Cola van in Edinburgh covered in lights and people singing the christmas coke song and handing out wee cans of coke. Was pretty damn cool!

Went home again this weekend, got back tonight at like half 10, and I'm pretty drained from it all. Don't get me wrong it was a good weekend at home but there was a lot of unnecessary stress from many different folk, mainly my mum! Went home on Friday and once again met my dad for an after work pint with tom and he whipped out a bunch of Tesco restaurant vouchers and handed them to me. So as a result, me and Tom had £60 free vouchers at either Pizza Express or Cafe Rouge. Obviously, we chose Cafe Rouge and just went straight along and had a lovely, and very yummy, dinner together and managed to spend no money. Winner! Then the next day, went shopping with my mum during the day to scope out a coat round town. It was a shockingly successful day and we found a dress within an hour but they didn't have my size, so ended up on a mad goose chase round town in all the Oasis stores round Edinburgh and Leith. But in the end it was in the last store and I got it. I'm SO happy with it. Also, Tom's mum knitted me a purple headband with a bow on it, it's so cute, and it actually fits my massive head! Doesn't exactly go with the khaki jacket but sod it! This ain't no fashion blog!

Please excuse the bad hair and face, it's been a long day.
Coat from Oasis (with additional 20% discount off at the mo!)
So after a lovely day with my mum shopping, I went to meet Tom and a couple of mates and the 4 of us went out and watched the 3D Boxing! Such a random thing to do, 2 couples after dinner and drinks, go to the pub and watch boxing together. Don't get me wrong, the 3D was cool, the best bit was seeing the crowd and seeing the depth between each row in the crowd.. but Boxing really ain't my cuppa tea! Or so I found out on Saturday. But that was a nice night, felt so grown up having an unintentional 'couples night'. Although the others spent a lot of the night telling me how young I was compared to them. (Which I was!) The downer on the weekend came today, we had plans to go see Tom's parents new house and catch up with them and the family but that never happened, I ended up having to babysit my gran round Costcos, (don't get me wrong, I love her, but Costcos is not a place for her to be!) and then went home to be bitched at by my mum because she is worried about Snail flu when she heads on holiday to Argentina on Tuesday! Yes, you read that correct, Snail Flu! Also, she was saying she just didn't want to go because she was too worried about other things. She wasn't too up for me taking her place though! Other than that, today wasn't too bad, just a bit silly.
Also, earlier this week I had a complete fail of a day. In a lot of aspects too! It started by sleeping in, then by getting caught in the rain and then going to a stupid 5 hour class to then get dumped by our clients for our project while everyone else got to speak to folk. So as a group we were pretty redundant and got set a shit task of being 'the fly on the wall' and taking pervy photos of folk in our class talking to people with Aphasia and speaking about a, generally, very personal thing! So that was a bummer. As a result we don't have any research to use for the hand in for this week, but I'll leave the stress for when I come to it. So after this awful day in uni, we all left class as a flat and jumped in the lift up to the flat and then we got stuck and it started to drop! It was pretty traumatising or at least, it seemed so for Cassie who started panicing her little head off. But we got out, and had to fill some weird incident report form in. Worst thing was, we called the alarm folk in the lift and no one answered! Luckily the lift just dropped a bit further and let us out.
On the upside, I got to take away an iPad from that module to do 'research' with ( games). Get to keep it for at least a couple of days too! Had it over the weekend at home, it was a welcome change to lugging my mac back and forth from trains. One thing I'd like to say about them though, is that no matter what a lot of people think, it's in no way a real replacement for a laptop! It wouldn't be able to do anything actually productive on it other than checking emails and maybe a bit of typing up. Or at least I don't think so anyway. But it's a bloody good thing to keep you amused on the train. I did get a lot of looks on the train, looking distinctly like a student but with an iPad. Can't be something you see very often.
Anyway, I'm off to bed, class in 8 hours.. Sorry about the recent rants.
Over and out.