Last night I ended up spending hours on a new lino print to distract myself from how angry I was. Was pretty chuffed with the end product but I think it could be tweaked, so I bought better lino today and some other colours of paint to experiment with it some more.. I think i might produce a couple of different stencils of the same style and print a sheet of a pattern of cassetes of all different colours and types. If it works out well enough, I might even shove it on a canvas!
Today at uni was in no way productive, the break between my classes on the other hand certainly was! Our class the morning was at 9am and was Java and something to do with how to code some thing about it.. Obviously I wasn't awake enough to take it in, never seem to learn any programming in lectures, only when I physically do it. So after that I HAD to get another hour sleep coz I'd only had like 5 and was exhausted. But after that wee hour long nap I got up and missioned into town to meet my flatmate Rod and our mate Jj to go see an exhibition of the 6 final designs of the V&A that might be getting built in Dundee in 3 years. It was SO interesting. We got the chance to view the models of the designs and the shortlisted designers process through their designs. All the design can be seen on the V&A at Dundee website, on which you can see the final 6 designs, with artist impressions, concept videos and more. You also have the chance to vote for your favourite one and provide comments to the designers. We were able to do this at the exhibition today so I took that opportunity to do so. I felt the 2 that could certainly be chosen were these two -
This one is designed by SnΓΈhetta, an architecture firm. The selling point for this one to me is that it essentially floats on the waterfront, rising and falling as the tide comes in and out. This would also be visible to visitors through the angle of the hinged bridge, if the bridge is an upward slope, the tide is in and so on. The thing i didn't especially like about this one is that it didn't create a presence, it didn't have a very exciting interior and the exhibition space was very mundane. I voted this number 2, 1 being my favourite, 6 being my least favoured one.
This design was produced by an architecture firm called Rex. This was my favourite out the 6 and the one I voted number 1. I loved how the building is extremely modern but the use of mirrored glass on the exterior means that when the surrounding environment changes, the view changes and the reflection created changes. Yes, it will always stand out as a modern building but it's subtle design based on a budding flower gives it the intriguing shape and an exiting space to use and display art within.
After our visit to the exhibition, we went to Rod's favourite place in Dundee, the chinese supermarket. We ended up spending a whole hour there looking around at everything, choosing the best noodles out of a HUGE selection, looking at the weird and wonderful fish they had and being a bit weirded out by the pigs ears and ducks feet.. (I was really the only one weirded out by it as Rod's actually chinese and Jj has been to China!). It was great fun though.
We then headed back up to go to our 2 hour lab session to do our practical Java work and then got distracted by the prospect of the uni art shop. It's like a haven. Everytime I go I find something new and exciting that I just HAVE to buy. It's ridiculous. This then delayed us more for heading to labs, by this time we were an hour late!
Finally we made it to labs and I ended up sitting there for 2 whole hours and didn't manage to look at the practical once. How bad. I still haven't and it's nearly 1am and I've got my next lab for the practical in 8 hours! uh oh. Luckily it's not to be handed in till friday. Don't even want to look at it. It gives me the no feeling...
As a further distraction from general computing work, I came home and cleaned my room and bathroom for our flat inspection on Thursday and then decided to make a mess again by practising my halloween face paint for Sunday. It's just a wee trial without all the paint I'm using for sunday, need to buy some more..
What do you guys think? Scary enough? I couldn't decide on anything to go as for ages, was originally going as danger mouse but it was gonna cost wayyyy to much. Decided for the good ol' Zombie option. Always a winner.
Sorry for the super long post, you probs guessed half way through that I definitely was avoiding doing work. Euuggh, just don't feel like it this week to be honest. Maybe next week will be my 'work' week! :P
What you guys all going as for halloween?
Over and out!