Monday, 27 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hope everyone had a lovely one! I certainly did! Best Christmas in a long time I'd say! 

Any Christmas tales? Hope no one had any of those festive family tiffs. 

Finger 'tache anyone?

Me and my brother have a bit of a tradition of going to the pub on Christmas eve to see in Christmas and see everyone and swap pressies with close friends, it's amazing. We've done it for the last 4 years and it seems to be a tradition for anyone between 17 and 25 to be in that one pub at the one time. So we did that and it always involves at least a drunken snowball fight in the park or just a play on the swings at like 1am, this year it didn't happen but we had a very humorous drunken walk home. My folks generally don't let us open presents till like midday so they can walk the dog and get some food prep and breakfast out the way before sitting down. As kids, it was torture but this year it was nice and relaxed. 

I was so happy with everything I got as always. I didn't expect so much. Ended up getting those lovely military boots I posted the last post AND a dab radio! I was asked what I wanted and said those too but said one or the other but needed boots more.

Another wee thing I got was the Hummingbird Bakery Recipe Book. It's unbelievable. As I'm typing this I'm baking a New York Cheesecake. Hoping it works well but as a result of the cold I had a bit of the disaster. The electric whisk literally snapped while trying to whisk the ingredients. Fingers crossed.  

This year was the first year Tom was in Edinburgh for Christmas so I actually got to see him on Christmas day. It was lovely. We weren't really doing presents, we are going sale shopping together instead. But we both got something small for each other to open. He got me a beautiful charm to add to my collection, it was such a surprise! It's a beautiful envelope with a love heart on it. I love it. Along with that he brought my some presents from his folks, his mum bought me wool and knitting needles! I was so happy. Boxing day was spent learning the very basics of knitting. Fingers crossed I get better at it. 

First 5 rows.. Bit mess

I'm becoming a bit more domesticated recently, I even made some beautiful cookies for christmas so we could give to friends in nice boxes. They were lovely cranberry, white chocolate and pecan cookies. Good old Nigella! 

Anyone near an Urban Outfitters by the way, their sale is great. Well worth a visit! 

Over and out. 

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Christmas love.

Yet another blogging free week. Should stop doing that. It's coz I'm actually home in Edinburgh, catching up with folk, working and christmas shopping. Plus, feel a bit weird blogging when Tom's here. He's nipped out to help some friends jump start their Ambulance their travelling about in so I thought this was the perfect opportunity.

It's been nice being back at work though, have to say it. On my first night back I got a mystery customer and got 98.2% and won £25 worth of food vouchers for doing so well! I was well chuffed with myself, my boss was even more pleased!

I would thoroughly recommend anyone visiting Edinburgh at Christmas time to visit the German Christmas Market, It's beautiful. I do it every year and each year it's more and more fun. I love it. Not only is there a market but theres the rest of the Winter Wonderland that goes with it, a ferris-wheel, an ice rink, a helter skelter and more! Loads of fun for everyone. For anyone of drinking age though, out of the choices of Mulled Wine round the whole market, I'd recommend the FirePunch stall! It's so yummy. We've gone there the last 2 years after trying various ones. It's a fiver for your first cup but thats including a £2 deposit for your mug you get back, any further refills you get are £3. Nom. So went to the Winter Wonderland today with Tom, was absolutely lovely.

On the Ferris-Wheel

We were out at a Christmas gig on Sunday when it started snowing. 
Tom + Me + Snow = Long Walk home and loads of fun in the snow! 

FirePunch! Yummy. 

Beautiful Edinburgh! 

I can't wait till Christmas though, I love it. But I think to be honest, I love the run up to it rather than the day it's self. Although, I'm happy at the small prospect of maybe getting to see Tom on the day as his folks just moved to town so it's his first Christmas in Edinburgh! We had a decision together than instead of Christmas surprises, we both agreed we need clothes and useful stuff and now we're going to go on a shopping spree in the sales after Christmas to shop for each other! It'll be great fun, not hit the post Christmas sales in a fair few years, always been working. 

Hope everyones having a great festive season with their families and friends. I certainly am. I don't know if I'll manage to blog before hand so I'll say it now! 

Over and out. 

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Blogging fail.

Wow, I haven't posted in 9 days. Thats ridiculous. Although I have excuses though, university is a huge excuse. It is officially done for the year though, not going to lie, I'll miss it for the next month. I love my course. So anyway, It's officially Christmas.

In the last 9 days, I've done a lot. Made a christmas dinner for the flat with the flatmates, bought presents, did an exam, missioned home to Edinburgh and shopped some more! Christmas dinner was the first ever time I'd made a roast so it was a big deal. As we were feeding 8 people though, it had to go right. I'd never realised till last week how much effort goes into making a roast let along a christmas dinner! I have a new found respect for my parents. I also came home to my yearly job of putting the tree up at home. This never used to be my job solely but over the last few years I've taken over and now no one else is allowed to touch it! Pretty bad really. I love doing it though and it needs to be perfect!

I doubt Cass will appreciate me putting this up.. Oh well.  

So much food! (Two turkeys!)

The boys had to to watch a youtube video on how to 
do the 'mans job' that is carving. Man fail. 

After dinner the flatmates finally swapped over our secret santa presents. In the end, it seems everyone was pretty pleased and pleasantly plump from dinner. Cassie was my santa, which was lovely, she bought me a lovely coat hook for my room after me moaning my face off about having nowhere to put my fancy new coat. She also got me a copy of 'Wreck This Journal'! I've never properly heard of this project before except in the odd blog. It's amazing. After a busy couple of days I've not managed to start it but I'm hoping to start it tonight or tomorrow, looks like something that may well live in my bag for the next couple of weeks! I'll keep you updated with my wrecking mission.

So, also made some considerable success with my christmas shopping, although can't really post them up here. I do know my mum's not going to look here though. Today we went on an epic shopping day together. Basically the aim was to find my Christmas present from them, which was successful. I had set myself an aim to find some comfy but pretty military style boots with fluff inside them.. Or at least something similar. I'd seen some really nice brogue boots with fluff inside them too so it was quite an open search. In the end this is what we went for -

John Lewis 
Bertie - £110

I also successfully chose a set of curlers for my mum. Hope they're okay. Anyone used a curling wand before? If so are they easy? 

Oh and, this NEEDS to be bought. I've had my eye on it for the last week. It's a beautiful vintage leather satchel made by a small business in Fife called Scaramanga. Although, as a result of the snow they are a bit screwed over so they can't take any orders. They are so popular people have been ordering them over to America.

So basically, I've been shopping my sorrows away after my final hand ins and exam. I also bought some other tshirts a couple of weeks back from America and they finally arrived. I love them. Wow, I need to stop shopping. 

99 Luft Ballons! 

Hows the Christmas prep going for everyone? 

Thought I'd suggest some lovely blogs for you to take a look at Cupcake Couture, LLYMLRSHead Over Heels, a natalie moment. I've enjoyed following these guys, they all have their own individual blogging style and it's all very interesting. I need to learn from their ways. 

Over and out. 

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Pretty Art!

This is Alexa Meade's art, she paints living paintings.
Basically she gets a model and actually paints on their 
skin and clothes. It's amazing. 
Check out the rest of the exhibition here.

 This is definitely my favourite one, it's a beautiful drawing
of Max from Where The Wild Things Are on the back 
of Carol.
These Pencil set drawings are done by a self taught artist from Melbourne called 
GhostPatrol. You can check out his work here.

Friday, 3 December 2010

I love Winter.

Tom came up for a couple of days, Wednesday till Friday. It was awesome. We went out Christmas shopping together and out for lunch. It wasn't our original plan though, we were meant to be going up to Aberdeen to see a mate before he went back to France. Absolute shame we didn't manage to, won't get to see him till at least next Summer now. It was because of the snow we didn't make it there, it got pretty deep by yesterday morning so most trains were cancelled.

Who woulda thunk it? There is such a thing as the sun! 
Not seen that for a while.

So we went out for some yummy dinner and bought some nice stuff. I managed to buy half of Tom's Christmas presents. Yes, he was there but he wants stuff he needs for Christmas instead of stuff he wants. He also bought me probably the best advent calender in the World! 

It even says my name! I was so chuffed. I'm such a child!

Nom nom nom! 
Chicken, Leek and Toulouse Sausage 
Pie at the DCA in Dundee

Best Kopparberg there is going. 
Elderflower and Lime.

You guys been getting snow where you are? Hope you've been enjoying it! I'm really hoping it either sticks around for a while till i'm finished at uni and am home, or at least comes back for christmas. I'd love a White Christmas!

I'm also pretty happy because my long awaited order from America arrived today. The snow delayed it but I didn't really need it till like next week anyway. Anyway, along with my order I got this amazing tshirt! I'm so happy with it.

Over and out. 

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Words can't describe..

No seriously, words just can't describe how happy I am right now. Just found out that our exam thats meant to be tomorrow morning has been cancelled and is getting rescheduled! I was so worried about it. Thank god. This also means I can get the hell on with the rest of my work tonight and have a day off with Tom tomorrow when he comes up. He was meant to be heading up as a 'awww, you've just had a horrible java exam, have a hug' kinda thing but now I just get to see him anyway. I'm sure you can actually tell how happy I am. Ahhh! :)

Anyway, this week as always has been jammed full of work. I kid, I kid. It's totally not been. I was really lazy last week and did absolutely no uni work and didn't care one bit about it until like Saturday. Was a nice wee break. But after that, I thought I was pretty screwed for this final exam because I was strruggling taking any information in. Instead of trying harder to revise, I did some work I'd find more interesting and cared more about. Terrible huh? But I'm getting on quite well with the Flash animation I've been making and had a little tutorial session today and my tutor was really chuffed with what I had so far and said I had already got a high pass and I've not even finished yet.

So the main reason why the exams been cancelled tomorrow is thanks to the lovely lovely snowy weather we've had. Thanks to it we had a snow day yesterday. Although, saying that, yesterday I thought I had an exam tomorrow so I was freaking out. Never thought I'd ever find myself disappointed to have a snow day.  Things have certainly changed. Regardless of disappointment we still managed to have some damn good fun! 

You guys might recognise Cassie, my flatmate. She's the one who got me into this whole blogging thing. I'm happy she did. Check her blog out if you haven't. There might be a bit of photo repetition though, we do do a lot of stuff together! 

Other than snow fun, I've not been doing much this week. I tell you one thing though, I've absolutely fallen in love with this song..

It's been used in the new John Lewis Christmas advert. I usually love their christmas adds but this year I was a bit disappointed, but it's definitely growing on me. I'm definitely a very loyal ex John Lewis worker, it's pathetic. But I love that bloody shop!

Now I've got my Student loan for the month, my aim is to get my christmas shopping done soon. One thing I need to do is find out about curlers. My mum's been wanting some for ages and I've got straighteners and curly hair so don't know a thing about curlers.. Anyone know about any that are about £30 and are perfect for fine hair?

Cass just came through to my room and showed me these guys, they are hilarious. Check them out.

SPAM day.

Over and out.